Revisión teórica sobre el autoconcepto y su importancia en la adolescencia
- Nerea Cazalla Luna
- David Molero 1
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1989-2446
Year of publication: 2013
Issue: 10
Pages: 43-64
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Docencia ( REID )
This review article is to provide a synthetic but at the same time, accurate self-concept. Currently accepting a hierarchical and mutidimensional of this construct as it establishes the model of Shavelson, Hubner and Stanton (1976). The self-concept is very important in the formation of personality and also is related to the general welfare. Developing a positive self-concept from adolescence psychosocial get a good fit and avoid future problems psychological and pedagogical.
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