Dossier ICuentos para no dormir

  1. Cristina Callejón Hernández
Quadernos de criminología: revista de criminología y ciencias forenses

ISSN: 1888-0665

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 28

Pages: 15-24

Type: Article

More publications in: Quadernos de criminología: revista de criminología y ciencias forenses


Criminality has always existed, since the world began (the Bible begins with a f'ratricide), but it is within our person and our culture from birth. Cartoons characlers are usuallly divided into two sides; the goodies and the baddies ones who, in the case of being real, they could be charged with a great number of crimes. But traditional fairytales, in spite of being modified, include high doses of criminality. For instance, were Hansel and Gretel victims of a crime of abandonment? Was Dumbo an abducted child? Was Cinderella dignity assaulted'? However, at the same til!le as we grow up, criminality continues te be present in our lives. This is a best illustrated by the fact that horror films break box office records, especially if they are based on real facts. There is no shortage of urban legends which, with their pseudo-reallty,leave us to decide what is true and what is fantasy.