Patrones de personalidad disfuncionales en niños y adolescentes: una revisión funcional - contextual
- Ruiz Castañeda, Dyanne
- Gómez Becerra, Inmaculada
ISSN: 0121-4381
Year of publication: 2012
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Pages: 131-149
Type: Article
More publications in: Suma Psicológica
This paper aims to highlight the importance of the study of the dysfunctional patterns of personality from the beginning to the end of childhood and early adolescence. It will review the empirical evidence on the risk factors of future dysfunctional styles of personality in adulthood and the possibility of these disorders as such from very early stages. It will present the vision of personality disorders from current diagnostic manuals and some peculiarities of the future DSM-V. It also, presents an analysis of the origin and development of these dysfunctional patterns of infant-juvenile personality from a functional-contextual view including the role of language or the verbal regulation and the self. Finally, there are some perspectives to be considered for future research.
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