Estimación de la función de distribución y cuantiles en la población de pobres
- Álvarez Verdejo, Encarnación
- Estudillo Martínez, María Dolores
- Castillo-Gutiérrez, Sonia
ISSN: 1133-3197, 1697-5731
Year of publication: 2012
Issue Title: La cooperación al desarrollo frente a los retos de la economía global
Volume: 30
Issue: 3
Pages: 1063-1064
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios de economía aplicada
The poverty line is an economic indicator that divides a population into poor and non poor. Studies about poverty are highly interested on the population of poor, hence they measure the distribution and intensity of the poor through different indicators. Such indicators are generally based upon the distribution function and quantiles. Assuming an arbitrary sampling design, the estimation of the previous parameters is discussed in this paper. Proposed estimators are numerically evaluated via Monte Carlo simulation studies and using data extracted from the Spanish Household Panel Survey.
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