El patrimonio "intangible"infografía para preservar la memoria del pasado

  1. Gómez Robles, Lucía
  2. Quirosa García, María Victoria
  3. Fernández Ruiz, José Antonio
Arqueoweb: Revista sobre Arqueología en Internet

ISSN: 1139-9201

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: La otra arqueología

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Type: Article

More publications in: Arqueoweb: Revista sobre Arqueología en Internet


In a moment in which the world of the Culture Heritage tends to expand to other categories of cultural goods unthinkable to protect in the past, it is the time to reconsider the way in which this heritage is documented, divulged and protected. Nowadays are intangibles, but susceptible of this protection the oral culture, the cultural routes, the local traditions, the ancestral rites, etc., apparently more difficult to preserve due to their immaterial character. The architecture and the archaeology, however, are considered “acceptably” protected thorough different plains and strategies that, as far as possible, keep the cultural heritage “preserved”. But, as we know, the conservation is a complex reality, as the restored and conservated buildings, for example, must be addapted to the new utilities. The archaeological remains appeared to return to us the cultural heritage, with the adjustment to the atmosphere and its progressive decline. In this context we lose fundamental parts of them and the information about the culture and the past. This information cannot be lost, as it must be saved and make it understandable to the public and to the scientists to know our origins. The most important thing is to collect this documentation and to turn it into a comprehensible document, in “communicative digital objects”, reachable to the new spectator of the twenty-first century. At the digital age, the computer graphics will allow at last to preserve the information of the cultural heritage to the future and to make it reachable to the public. When the time does not allow us to recognize the architecture, their virtual digital reflects will remain. In this article we will expound the digital computer graphic’s values and the ethic codes to turn them into a scientific tool.

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