Procesos de alcance de consenso ante nuevos retos en toma de decisión en grupograndes grupos y recomendación

  1. Francisco José Quesada Real
Supervised by:
  1. Luis Martínez López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 09 July 2019

  1. Humberto Bustince Sola Chair
  2. Rosa Mª Rodríguez Domínguez Secretary

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 637575 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor

Sustainable development goals


This thesis focusses on addressing new challenges of consensus reaching processes, which have been provoked by the participation of large groups of experts and the group recommender systems. Firstly, it is tackled the management of experts with non-cooperative behaviours in consensus reaching processes, in arder to impede that these kind of behaviours compromise the performance of the group decision making process. To do so, there have been formulated two proposals. The first one is based on uninorm aggregation operators, whereas the second one uses the hypersimilarity measure proposed by R. Yager. Secondly, it is presented a proposal in which a consensus reaching process is integrated in the general scheme of the group recommender systems, obtaining as a result a significant improvement in users' satisfaction