Salinas y turismouna propuesta de desarrollo local a través del turismo en las salinas : estudio del caso de Isla Cristina

Dirigida per:
  1. Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 31 de de maig de 2019

  1. Enrique López Lara President/a
  2. José Manuel Jurado Almonte Secretari/ària
  3. María José Cuesta Aguilar Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


Spain has suffered great job losses due to the global economic crisis. Therefore, it is of great importance to propose innovative ideas to promote the local development of the territories. In this circumstance is also Isla Cristina, for this reason, the thesis studies how to promote its local development through tourism in the saltworks. It is proposed through a hypothetical-deductive method that the coastal saltworks have the capacity to promote sustainable tourism. For this reason, the history of salt worldwide has been studied, as well as the salt history of the city of Isla Cristina and the benefits of salt for human beings. Following the investigation based on the main European references, in question to the salt tourism such as Guérande (France), Maldon (England) and Castro Marim (Portugal).In this part, it has also been added to San Pedro del Pinatar (Spain) for its similarity to Isla Cristina, which is the main object of our study. The Costa de la Luz has also been valued, as it is the area where Isla Cristina is included, and therefore its most direct rival. Subsequently, an extensive analysis of Isla Cristina was carried out, which is based on the LEADER II method, which is used by local tourism development experts at European levels, with the intention of showing the characteristics of the territory under study and assessing its development. local. Next, the tourism sector and its competition at the national level were evaluated. With all these data a synthesis has been made and subsequently, the resulting conclusions have been described. Finally, the corroboration of the hypotheses has been studied and the following aspects of the thesis that could be carried out in the future based on our research have been considered.