El acoso escolar en Educación Primaria en la provincia de Huelva

  1. Ávila Fernández, José Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel Monescillo Palomo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 28 November 2013

  1. Honorio Salmerón Pérez Chair
  2. Juan Manuel Méndez Garrido Secretary
  3. Antonio Pantoja Vallejo Committee member

Type: Thesis


The summary presented below is a reflection of the doctoral thesis work conducted under the title "The Bullying in Primary Education in the Province of Huelva". in recent years there has been a social concern on the issue of school violence, recognized as a common problem. The media have been busy spreading extreme situations related to school behavior and international research has been addressed in this field. In Europe interesting actions have been initiated in order to promote research and educational intervention to alleviate the difficulties of relationships, encouraging researchers and educators to reach definitions, common tools and methods for the analysis of coexistence and teaching practice. In recent years, our educational community of Andalusia has encouraged the development of research and educational intervention through various programs. Since the concern to solve discipline problems in the classroom, recess, peer ... ultimately in the school, to observe a growing trend of interpersonal relationship problems between members of the educational community, either between equals or between members of different sectors, research on this problem is established in the analysis of same and the search for the causes that produced it, in order to provide methods of intervention for the improvement and normalization of relationship situations. The concern of this paper is to seek an approach to the study of bullying In the province of Huelva, driven by the concern that has been in educational contexts in which teachers, families and students are concerned about the problems of interrelation that occurs, promoting the analysis of the educational institution and providing some general guidelines that facilitate the formation of a proposed intervention to improve students' socialization skills. Therefore, it has been established as a general objective "to determine the level of incidence of bully among students in the Primary Schools in the Province of Huelva", which can be broken down into the following specific objectives: Develop, validate and administer a questionnaire. To assess the incidence of bullying in Primary Schools in the Province of Huelva. Seek feedback and assessment of students in relation to the problems of coexistence. Describe the situation of the context studied from data provided by the various instruments used to obtain the information. Check whether or not there are differences in the data provided by gender, age, grade and counties. To study the differences of opinion and indigenous Immigrant students. To report, from the students' view of the interventions carried out in schools to address bullying problems. Establish general guidelines for the preparation of a proposal for Behavioural Intervention Program to improve the school climate. The work is structured in three parts: In the first, theoretical framework about bullying, it is a journey through various aspects of the study of school violence (bullying). Presents and discusses different positions of authors on the concept, which found disparity and lack of consensus, we reflect on the problems of definition, making a contribution upon it discusses different contributions on the subjects involved in bullying exposing, in turn, causes that can cause bullying and the consequences, the study research approaches, exposing a significant number of works by authors and scholars from different backgrounds and geographical extent, and finally, is an approach to intervention in schools for improving behavior in schools. Based on the various contributions of the experts, as noted, there is a proposal for the definition of bully in schools, after reflection on the components to be met, which is called "contribution to the consensus: in search of a definition ", intended as the first conclusion of this research. Prior overview of the contents of the definitions, the existing variety shown and peculiarities those show each (Olweus, 1993, Smith and Sharp, 1994, Pain, 1998, Smith, 1989; Ortega, 1994, Rigby, 1996; Salmivalli, 2004). In the second part shows the working process followed for creating the various instruments used in the collection of information. It develops a self-administered questionnaire, which has been called "Questionnaire for Detection of Bullying in Elementary Education." It takes a compendium of assessment questionnaires bullying, proposed by various authors, in order to generate a study of the dimensions that have guided its production. Exposing the seventy dimensions of the questionnaires, will lead a reflection on meta-categories, from which derive the dimensions ordered this investigation. It proposes an initial questionnaire and it's implementing rules, which are reviewed with input from experts. Finally, alluding to the pilot sample, which involved checking the understanding of each section, the pace of implementation and support need to focus some content, reaching a 0.838 on Cronbach�s alpha. Finally, the third part presents the research process followed to determine the situation where schools are. Primary Education of the Province of Huelva in relation to conflicts of coexistence of pupils, giving due regard to the participants in the study, the instruments used and the results derived after the data analysis process, establishing the study's findings, [imitations and implications and as a final contribution, some general guidelines for developing a Behavioral intervention Program, aimed to establish a process that facilitates working to build schools than their own to improve coexistence. The research, interpretive approach, seeks to understand the problem in the context studied, for which this study is about in the survey, bringing the description from the achievement of quantitative and qualitative data. It is noteworthy the sample, amounting to 2,156 subjects, belonging to thirty centers and Primary Education in the province of Huelva, corresponding to the six counties in which it is divided, distributed in twenty-four locations. The sample represents a 10.32% of the population, being balanced gender distribution, the presence of students from each course, by age-which marks extreme variation in the logic of student who has not attained the age corresponding to their peer group and students repeater is in the final year-mismatch exists in the relationship between the sample and the population distribution in the district, due to dispersion or concentration errors uncontrolled. The study on immigration begins with brief references on the subject and it is intended and is meant to address the perception that both, native and immigrant, have on living in school. To set the sample were selected classrooms in which at least one student was an immigrant child. A total of 1,172 students participated, of whom 1,054 were native (Spanish nationality), representing 89.9% of the total sample, 118 were immigrants, assuming these 10.1% of the students participating. The techniques and data collection instruments used, which were considered most useful for this investigation were the questionnaire and group discussion. In terms of information processing and data analysis is structured in two parts, each devoted to the contributions of the procedures used to obtain data: results of the questionnaire and analysis of the discussion groups. The results of the questionnaire are presented in six different sections, resulting in an extensive chapter: after the general data, we studied the incidence of bullying in schools by gender, training, age, and by geographical regionalization. Finally, there has been a reflection of the vision of immigrant students compared to native pupils having, supported, as indicated above in data from centers where children are integrated from other countries. The analysis of the discussion groups provides students' opinions about the relationship problems that happen between them, the roles of students involved in violence, the places where they occur and interventions to resolve these situations. The data density and comments made approach has required a gradual concentration of the information made, accompanying these graphs and tables, and abstracts concentrating on compilations. Exposure of reflections on questionnaire data ends with the presentation of the relevant data that contributes to the study, leading to the exposure of relevant discussion groups. After discussion, based on the results of various investigations, we offer the following conclusions: From the perception of students, it is understood that peer relationships are good or very good, although originating acts contrary to the rules of coexistence. They are differences in perception between younger and older, with the youngest who value more positive peer relationships. On the relations of students with their peers is not significant gender differences, as can be seen by current opinion homogeneous and immigration study shows a similar appreciation between the two groups established. The relationship of students with faculty is positive, differing in favor of mentoring over other teachers. Girls estimate better relationships with teachers. The sixth-grade students in their negative assessment highlights. County differences are appreciated and immigrant students in the perception of the relationship of students and teachers. Raised research limitations and implications and suggestions for future studies, basic ideas are presented for the preparation of a draft guidance intervention socializing pursuing training of students. Based on input from Thompson and Smith (2013), Olweus and others (2007), the orientations of the Ombudsman (2000), Torrego (2008), Pantoja (2005), Salmivalli and Peets (2010), Kowalski and others ( 2010), Ortega and Mora-Merchan (2000), Salmerón et al (2010), Ortega, King and Cordova (2010) and Ortega-Ruiz, Rey and Casas (2013), this proposal for conducting an intervention project for prevention and intervention of bullying, should be considered as an open model, necessarily adaptable to the context and the difficulties expressed in the initial evaluation and permanently accommodated to the evolution of the center in which it develops, and is set around the following premises: Three different blocks objectives: firstly those relating to teacher education, on the other, those who develop the intentions on the assessment of socialization in the center and, finally, those that relate to pedagogic intervention. - Carrying out activities aimed at facilitating the participation of students in classroom organization (tailoring classroom constitution) and common areas and amenities (self), and social skills training, assertiveness training, building self-esteem and empathy. - The consideration of cooperative aspects that facilitate group interactions among students (peer tutoring, group work, class assembly, cooperative game development), - The democratic training children, with special emphasis on respect for the individual analysis, the group discussion and decision-making. The transmission of values favoring coexistence. Reflection on readings related to the agreements commonly accepted by society, such as human rights, children�s rights, rights and duties of students, social behavior... The establishment of a forum for discussion of parents whose central theme is the coexistence and training activities for the family (course, workshops...). Collaboration of the family in the development of curricular activities. Finally, highlight the importance of the promotion of these and other actions have tutoring, becoming platform from which to facilitate the task of developing programs and projects