El proceso de la muerte en el ámbito formal de los cuidados: un estudio cualitativo desde la perspectiva profesional sanitaria de Huelva

  1. Ortega Galán, Ángela María
unter der Leitung von:
  1. María Dolores González de Haro Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 27 von März von 2012

  1. Antonio Frías Osuna Präsident
  2. Ana María Abreu Sánchez Sekretär/in
  3. Petra Rogero Anaya Vocal
  4. Rosa Casado Mejía Vocal
  5. José Luis Sánchez Ramos Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This investigation has as the main goal to know, understand and interpret the meanings of the speeches, regarding the experiences of the death process from the point of view of the sanitary care area of Huelva. It is framed in the quality paradigm and it uses the phenomenological- hermeneutic method. Regarding the found evidences it is to underline: -The continuous work with people at the end of life And their families is a positive element to develop the personal growth. -The main found difficulty is the cultural pattem which permeates the society and the sanitary structure regarding death. -The nurses defend the idea that sanitary information should be a team subject. -There are a clear power-hierarchy in the professional relationships between medicine and nursery. - As for the spiritual dimension, it is a unexplored field which needs a great investigating effort.