Análisis factorial de los epipedones de los suelos del parque natural de Sierra Mágina (Jaén)

  1. V. Aranda
  2. G.M. Liébanas
  3. G. Delgado
  4. J.M. Martín García
  5. R. Delgado
  6. J. Calero
  7. R. Peña
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Year of publication: 2001

Issue Title: XIV Congreso Nacional de Sedimentología, IV Congreso del Cretácico de España

Issue: 3

Pages: 63-65

Type: Article

More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)

Sustainable development goals


Soils are described normally using a great number of properties (variables). This generates a great quantity of data not easily understandable in a direct way. Consequently the factor analysis is necessary to select variables or groups of variables (grouped in factors) that provide a much more useful information. In the present work we quantify through multivariate analysis (by means of Rmode factor analysis), the relative influence of the different factors of soi I formation that act on the soil system. We have studied 203 epipedons, sampled to a depth between 0 and 25 cm of soils of the Mâgina Mountain Natural Park (Jaén, Spain). The studied soils are from calcareous rocks. Five factors were found to be significant and showed that the organic carbon accumulation, décarbonatation and the argi 11 ization/rubefacction, as internal variables, and the hill-slope, as external variable, they are those which explain a greater percentage of the natural variability of the soil system.