Overtourism urbano y cambios demográficos
- Valero-Escandell, J.R.
- García-Tortosa, F.
- Guillem X. Pons (coord.)
- Asunción Blanco Romero (coord.)
- L. Troitiño Torralba (coord.)
- M. Blázquez Salom (coord.)
Publisher: Societat d'Història Natural de Balears
ISBN: 978-84-09-22881-2
Year of publication: 2020
Pages: 519-530
Congress: Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación (17. 2020. Barcelona)
Type: Conference paper
Sustainable development goals
The central areas of many cities are characterized today by the excessive weight that tourism has acquired in them, with varied repercussions on the population residing there. These are complex spaces in which not only tourism, local identity or the interests of its inhabitants act, but also living spaces with complex transformations that are not always coincident: gentrification, aging, foreign immigration... This article, essentially focused on the demographic analysis of these territories aims to characterize them basically through the study of the population of the historical centers of some Spanish cities, in order to differentiate them from the rest of the city and other different urban areas while highlighting recent changes affecting them. overtourism and demographic changes