Potential of prodendronic polyamines with modulated segmental charge density as novel coating for fast and efficient analysis of peptides and basic proteins by CE and CE-MS

  1. Acunha, T.
  2. Ibáñez, C.
  3. Pascual Reguera, M.I.
  4. Sarò, M.
  5. Navarro, R.
  6. Alfonso Redondo, J.
  7. Reinecke, H.
  8. Gallardo, A.
  9. Simó, C.
  10. Cifuentes, A.

ISSN: 1522-2683 0173-0835

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 36

Issue: 14

Pages: 1564-1571

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/ELPS.201400576 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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