Identification of lipidic binding media in plasterwork decorations from the Alhambra using GC-MS and chemometrics: Influence of pigments and aging

  1. Llorent-Martínez, E.J.
  2. Domínguez-Vidal, A.
  3. Rubio-Domene, R.
  4. Pascual-Reguera, M.I.
  5. Ruiz-Medina, A.
  6. Ayora-Cañada, M.J.
Microchemical Journal

ISSN: 0026-265X

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 115

Pages: 11-18

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.MICROC.2014.02.001 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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