Glutathione Is the Resolving Thiol for Thioredoxin Peroxidase Activity of 1-Cys Peroxiredoxin Without Being Consumed during the Catalytic Cycle

  1. Pedrajas, J.R.
  2. McDonagh, B.
  3. Hernandez-Torres, F.
  4. Miranda-Vizuete, A.
  5. Gonzalez-Ojeda, R.
  6. Martinez-Galisteo, E.
  7. Padilla, C.A.
  8. Barcena, J.A.
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling

ISSN: 1557-7716 1523-0864

Ano de publicación: 2016

Volume: 24

Número: 3

Páxinas: 115-128

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1089/ARS.2015.6366 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable