La Formación Majalcorón (Calcarenitas con Microcodium, Paleoceno, Subbético)Bioestratigrafía
- R. Aguado
- J.M. Molina
- J.A. Vera
ISSN: 1576-5172
Year of publication: 2003
Issue Title: V Congreso del Grupo Español del Terciario (Granada, 23-25 de septiembre, 2003)
Issue: 5
Pages: 13-17
Type: Article
More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)
The Majalcorón Formation (calcarenites with Microcodium) crops extensively in the area located between Montefrio and Alcalá la Real. The underlying and overlying materials from several outcrops, including the holostratotype and parastratotype localities, of this formation were sampled and investigated using calcareous nannofossils. The biostratigraphic study shows that the onset of the calcarenitic deposition initiated in the early Paleocene (early Danian, calcareous nannofossil Subzone NTplB). Some samples taken in the marlstones interbedded within the calcarenites are of late Danian to early Selandian age (calcareous nannofossil zones NTp5B to NTp7). The hemipelagic deposits immediately covering the calcarenites have slightly different ages (latest Danian to middle Sselandian, calcareous nannofossil subzones NTp5C to NTp8C) depending of the locality. All these results show that most of the calcarenitic body was deposited during the early to latest Danian interval