La necesaria concurrencia de la buena fe en relación a la libre disposición de bienes y en cuanto a la actuación mediante apoderado cuando el poder esté extinguido

  1. Gutiérrez Jerez, Luis Javier 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén, España
Revista de Derecho Civil

ISSN: 2341-2216

Année de publication: 2019

Volumen: 6

Número: 1

Pages: 29-51

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista de Derecho Civil


The verification of the existence of free disposition of rights must be valued as indispensable budget of the acts realized by his holder, good of direct form or of indirect form across the juridical business of power. In this work there are contributed some criteria relative to the consequences of the accomplishment of acts with and without legitimization dispositive of the holder, and acts realized by the proxy of direct or representative form, the consequences of the action being valued by the extinguished power, taking the existence as a base or not of good faith in the different fastened interveners in the business of power and with third parties, by a special juridical valuation of the position followed by our Jurisprudence.

Information sur le financement

8º. La afirmación, a juicio del notario, y no apoyada en el sólo dicho de los otorgantes, de que éstos tienen la capacidad legal o civil necesaria para otorgar el acto o contrato a que la escritura se refiera».


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