Sedimentación clástica submarina asociada a escarpes de falla en bloques basculados. Barremiense-Aptiense basal. Cordilleras Béticas. Sur de Bedmar (Jaén)

  1. P.A. Ruiz-Ortiz
  2. G.A. de Gea
  3. R. Aguado
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Año de publicación: 2001

Título del ejemplar: XIV Congreso Nacional de Sedimentología, IV Congreso del Cretácico de España

Número: 3

Páginas: 65-70

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geotemas (Madrid)


New data about the age of the conglomeratic facies outcroping to the south of the village of Bedmar (jaen), have led us to renewal the studies of the clastic facies of the Cerrajon Fm. (Barremianmiddle Albian) and to the reinterpretation of the depositional model. Three facies associations: conglomerates, sandstones and marl-intercalated slided sandstones blocks, with borings, are distinguished. Deposition of submarine clastic facies, sandstones and conglomerates, in a fandelta fed submarine apron is now considered. The bored sandstone blocks, came from the erosion of a narrow platform during a relative sea-level lowstand. Block-tilting tectonic and relative sealevel fluctuations are seen as the main causes giving way to the deposits and to the cyclicity and facies relationships.