Uso de biomarcadores en el estudio de materiales del Aptiense inferior de las Zonas Externas de las Cordilleras Béticas

  1. G.A. de Gea
  2. F.J. González-Vila
  3. O. Polvillo
  4. J.M. Castro
  5. J.M. Molina
  6. R. Aguado
  7. P.A. Ruiz-Ortiz
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Year of publication: 2001

Issue Title: XIV Congreso Nacional de Sedimentología, IV Congreso del Cretácico de España

Issue: 3

Pages: 175-180

Type: Article

More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)

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The biomarkers distribution in the organic matter (OM) of two early Aptian Fms. of the Betic External Zones have been analyzed and compared. The lipid fractions from two samples of each formation has been studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CC-MS) In addition the whole OM has been directly characterized by flash pyrolisis (Py)-CC-MS. One of the lithostratigraphic units is the Almadich Fm. of the Prebetic of Alicante, and the other is the Carboneros Fm. outcropping in the Subbetic south of Jaén. They correspond to two very different sedimentary environments. The Almadich Fm. is made up by hemipelagic marls and mar I stones deposited in a distal carbonate ramp whereas the samples from the Carbonero Fm. were deposited in a small, restricted and relatively deep basin of the Subbetic. According to the patterns of various biomarkers families (aliphatic hydrocarbons, alcanoic acids and triterpenes), the OM of the Almadich Fm. shows a greater contribution of terrestrial plants and a better preservation than the OM of the Carboneros Fm. The biomarkers study show a good level of correlation with the present paleogeographic interpretation of the area.