Los tratos del trabajo en la industria textil de la andalucía de mediados del siglo xviiiLaujar de andarax (almería) y úbeda (jaén)

  1. Luis Garrido-González
Documentos de trabajo de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 16

Type: Working paper


The objectives that emerge from this contribution are manifold. First, study the kinds of employment contracts for those who work in the textile industry of wool, silk and linen in the 18th century Andalusia was regulated. This is used the information from particular responses or memorials of the Cadastre of Ensenada (1751-52) on Laujar de Andarax (Almería) and Úbeda (Jaén). Such contracts which were established in agriculture, livestock and service sectors of these same locations are compared. Finally, discusses the differences that existed in the business dealings of women with respect to men. Following the introduction, the socio-economic context of the tested locations, the textile activity developed in them within the Andalusian mid eighteenth century environment, addresses for ending the study of treatment and working arrangements and annual incomes that were established in textile manufacturing in comparison with the remaining working activities of women and men and their corresponding conclusions.