El patrimonio medieval de Jaén en Europeana. El proyecto Europeana Archaeology
- Navarro Pérez, Mercedes 1
- Alberto Sánchez Vizcaíno
- Irene Montilla Torres
- Vicente Salvatierra Cuenca
- Eva María Alcázar Hernández
- Juan Carlos Castillo Armenteros
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1134-3184, 2386-5423
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 26
Pages: 275-284
Type: Article
More publications in: Arqueología y territorio medieval
The European project Europeana Archeology aims to improve the quantity and quality of the digital archaeological heritage present in the European Library (Europeana). With this objective the potential of archaeological heritage as a resource for economic, social and cultural development is revealed. The Archaeological Heritage of Jaén shows a wide and varied wealth that make it especially suitable for digital inclusion in Europeana. Through this project some of the most significant heritage assets of the province of Jaén will be visible, from the fourth to the fifteenth century, thanks to the the collection “Medieval archaeological heritage collection of Eastern Andalusia (Spain)”.
Bibliographic References
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