ATTOSanálisis de Tendencias y Temáticas a través de Opiniones y Sentimientos
- L. Alfonso Ureña López
- Rafael Muñoz Guillena
- José A. Troyano Jiménez
- Mª Teresa Martín Valdivia
ISSN: 1135-5948
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Zenbakia: 53
Orrialdeak: 151-154
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural
The ATTOS project will be focused on the study and development of Sentiment Analysis techniques. Thanks to such techniques and resources, companies, but also institutions will be better understood which is the public opinion on them and thus will be able to develop their strategies according to their purposes. The final aim of the project is the automatic interpretation of such opinions according to different variables: opinion, intensity, geographical area, user profile, to support the decision process. The main objective of the project is the study, development and evaluation of techniques, resources and systems based on Human Language Technologies to build up a monitoring platform of the Web 2.0 that generates information on opinion trends related with a topic.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
- Cotelo, J.M., Cruz, F.L. Troyano, J.A. 2014. Dynamic topic-related tweet retrieval. JASIST. 65(3): 513-523.
- Cruz, F.L., Troyano, J.A., Enríquez, F., Ortega, F.J., Vallejo, C.G. 2013. 'Long autonomy or long delay?' The importance of domain in opinion mining. Expert Syst. Appl. 40(8): 3174-3184.
- Fernández, J., Gómez, J.M.; Martínez, P., Montoyo, A, Muñoz, R. 2013 Sentiment Analysis of Spanish Tweets Using a Ranking Algorithm and Skipgrams. TASS 2013: Taller de Análisis de Sentimientos en la SEPLN / Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN Madrid, Spain, SEPLN.
- Molina-González, M. Dolores, Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio, Martín-Valdivia, M. Teresa, Perea-Ortega, Jose M. 2013. Semantic Orientation for Polarity Classification in Spanish Reviews. Expert Systems with Applications. 40(18):7250-7257.
- Montejo-Ráez, Arturo, Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio, Martín-Valdivia, M. Teresa, Ureña-López, L. Alfonso. 2014. A Knowledge-Based Approach for Polarity Classification in Twitter. JASIST. 65(2):414-425.
- Ortega, R.; Fonseca, A.; Gutierrez, Y.; Montoyo, A.2013 Improving Subjectivity Detection using Unsupervised Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation. Revista Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 51.