Dossier IIIIdentificación humana mediante superposición de imágenes. Una propuesta metodológica
- Inmaculada Alemán Aguilera
- Miguel Cecilio Botella López
- F. Navarro 1
- Óscar Cordón 2
- Sergio Damas 3
- José Santamaría López 4
Universidad de Granada
European Centre for Soft Computing
European Centre for Soft Computing
Mieres del Camino, España
- 3 European Centre for Soft Computing. España
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1888-0665
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Zenbakia: 25
Orrialdeak: 40-46
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Quadernos de criminología: revista de criminología y ciencias forenses
We present a new method for human identification by analysis of images and photographic superimposition. We discuss the advantages of including skull threedimensional images. that provide the overlap and ellminate errors when scaling the 3D moclel in real size. This work was developed by an interdisciplinary team and ils goal is to provide a tool for semi-automatic human identification, basad en the craniofacial recognition,