Cavidades kársticas con relleno de Calloviense Superior y Oxf ordiense Inferior (Subbético Externo; Sierra de Estepa, provi ncia de Sevilla)
- J. M. Castro 1
- A. Checa 1
- P. A. Ruiz-Ortiz 1
- 1 Dpto. Estratigrafía y Paleontología. Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 0213-683X
Ano de publicación: 1989
Número: 7
Páxinas: 61-63
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Geogaceta
Upper Callovian and Lower Oxfordian materials have been found in the area of Estepa (External Subbetic). Karstification of the underlying ooid limestones of the Middle Jurassic, would give rise to large and deep karstic cavities. The extremely unusual apparition of materials of the quoted ages is explained as the local deposition of pelagic and crinoidal sediments in the deepest karstic cavities submerged just after the sea level rise beginning in the Callovían, in a non depositional and even erosional regional setting