El grado de estudios ingleses en la Universidad de Jaénpasado, presente y futuro

  1. Pérez Cañado, María Luisa 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España

    ROR https://ror.org/0122p5f64

Tendencias pedagógicas

ISSN: 1133-2654

Ano de publicación: 2015

Título do exemplar: ¿Qué maestros formamos desde los grados?

Número: 25

Páxinas: 279-300

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Tendencias pedagógicas


The present article centers on a specific case study (the degree in English Studies at the University of Jaén), whose development it traces over the course of the past decade in order to determine whether it is functioning adequately and preparing future graduates to successfully step up to the challenges posed by the current foreign language teaching scenario. Taking 4 quantitative and qualitative studies with over 800 respondents as a basis, it glosses the past, present, and future of the afore-mentioned degree and provides instruments, procedures, and a sample research design replicable in other investigations.

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