Evaluating CLIL programmesinstrument design and validation

  1. Pérez Cañado, María Luisa
Pulso: revista de educación

ISSN: 1577-0338 2445-2866

Año de publicación: 2016

Número: 39

Páginas: 79-112

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Pulso: revista de educación


This article presents the three sets of questionnaireswhich have been originally designed andvalidated within a broader governmentally-fundedresearch project to determine how CLIL schemesare playing out across a broad array of contexts(Primary and Secondary Education; urban andrural settings; public and private schools; with teachers,students, and parents). They are the firstqualitative instruments whose design has beenbased on recent research outcomes and whichhave undergone a carefully controlled double-foldpilot process for their validation (external ratingsapproach and pilot phase with a representativesample of nearly 300 subjects). After characterizingthe questions included in the surveys,along with their format and chief categories, thearticle goes on to describe the steps undertakenfor their research-based design and the doublefoldpilot process followed for their validation. Theactual questionnaires are then presented (forlanguage teachers, non-linguistic area teachers,teaching assistants, students, and parents) in aformat which can directly be applied in any CLILclassroom in order to gauge how bilingual programmesare playing out at present.

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