Descripción del nivel de conocimientos sobre los contenidos nutritivos y composición de los alimentos en una muestra del alumnado adolescente en la isla de Gran Canaria-España

  1. Zagalaz Sánchez, María Luisa
  2. Mateos Padorno, Covadonga
  3. García Soidán, José Luis
  4. Polifrone, Milena
  5. Martínez Patiño, María José
  6. Martínez Vidal, Aurora
Journal of sport and health research

ISSN: 1989-6239

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 2

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of sport and health research


The aim of this study was to objectively examine the knowledge that adolescent�s aged 12 to 17 from the island of Gran Canaria posses about content and composition of foods. At the present, it has been described an increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in children of all developed countries, representing a potential threat to health. From a preventive point of view, it�s important to research the connection between the risk factors associated with lifestyle and biological factors that could be involved in the development of obesity, as well as the type of physical activity or sport which they practice and with the degree of knowledge on nutrient content and composition of food that these students have, in order to detect negative habits. For this study we analyzed a sample of 1,364 schoolchildren, elected by simple random sampling, between schools on the island of Gran Canaria.

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