Efecto del kinesio taping en el rango de moviento de la cadera y zona lumbar en triatletasun estudio piloto
- Merino Marbán, Rafael
- Mayorga Vega, Daniel
- Fernández Rodríguez, Emilio
- Torres Luque, Gema
ISSN: 1989-6239
Año de publicación: 2010
Volumen: 2
Número: 2
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Journal of sport and health research
Background: Kinesiotaping (KT) technique appeared in Japan by quiropractor Kenzo Kase, in 1973. Kinesio tape, an alternative taping technique, has been theorized to improve a variety of physiological problems, including the range of motion, based on the functions of the tape (Kase 2001; Kase et al. 1996; Sijmonsma, 2007). Objective: The purpose of our study was to determine the effects of kinesio taping on the degree of the extension of the hamstrings and lower back muscles using the sit and reach test as a form of evaluation. Material: A box for the sit and reach test (Eveque) and a kinesio tape bandage (kinesiotape). Participants: 10 healthy voluntary triathletes (10 men with a mean age of 29,40 ± 9,07, a mean body weight of 68,02±3,61 kg and a mean body height 1,73±5,9 cm). Design: We carried out an experimental study, no controlled clinical trial. The subjects were involved in two extension evaluation trial within the same session using the sit and reach test. The first was carried out without the application of the kinesio tape, whereas in the second trial, the kinesio tape was applied. Results: A Wilcoxon´s test was used to compare the values obtained in the sit and reach test in both trials. There were notable differences (p< 0,05) in the scores for the sit and reach evaluation with the application of the kinesio tape (+2,15±2,30 cm). Conclusions: The application of the kinesio tape on the hamstrings and low back muscles seem to improve the extensibility measured in the sit and reach test.
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