Un modelo MIMIC para el análisis de la satisfacción global de la demanda turística en un espacio natural protegido

  1. Pulido Fernández, Juan Ignacio
  2. Bel Ortega, Carlos
Journal of Tourism Analysis = Revista de Análisis Turístico

ISSN: 1885-2564

Ano de publicación: 2012

Número: 14

Páxinas: 23-32

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Journal of Tourism Analysis = Revista de Análisis Turístico


We present in this paper a methodology for the analysis of overall satisfaction of tourist demand to visit a protected area, in this case the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park. The proposed analysis model, replicable adapted to the characteristics of other territories, is a useful tool for the study of causal relationships of linear type that from exogenous vectors known and determined by some questions of the questionnaire to visitors provides information about "latent" or "hidden" variables whose importance can be useful to profitable and maximize efforts in planning and management of public use and tourism in a protected area.

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