Aportaciones al conocimiento de la Bioestratigrafía del tránsito Aptiense-Albiense en las Cordilleras Béticas. Prebético de Alicante.

  1. Castro Jiménez, José Manuel

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 1996

Issue: 20

Pages: 47-50

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta


The study of the sediments of the Aptian-Albian boundary in the N£ of the Alicante region (Prebetic ZoneI has revealed a biostratigraphic distribution of benthic foraminifera different from that observed in other more proximal parts of the Prebetic platform. This study reports the coexistence in the same association of forms that were previously considered as different in age (Aptian or AlbianJ. A model for the interpretation of the new data is proposed, based on the idea that the carbonate sediments that contain the new fossil association were deposited on a small carbonate platform, developed only in distal parts of the margin during a lowstand of relative sea level. This interpretation agrees with the differences observed in the biostratigraphy with the stratigraphic data available, and with the fact that the Alicante region was the most distal part of the Prebetic platform, with a high subsidence rate and highly continuous deposition during the Aptian-Albian interval