Nuevos datos para la estimación de los valores de levantamiento desde el Tortoniense Superior a la actualidad en la parte centro-occidental de la Sierra de Carrascoy (provincia de Murcia)

  1. Sanz de Galdeano Equiza, Carlos
  2. López Garrido, Ángel Carlos
  3. García Tortosa, Francisco Juan

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 1997

Issue: 23

Pages: 139-142

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta

Sustainable development goals


The existence of sediments of the Late Tortonian near the top, and in the slopes, of Sierra de Carrascoy, deposited above a former erosionaI surface excavated in the basement, permits precise estimation of the vertical displacements occurred in this are a in the last 5 m.a. The value of 0,2 mm/y has been exceeded in several moments of this interval of time