La tomografía eléctrica aplicada a la investigación del yacimiento arqueológico de Cástulo (Linares, Jaén)Resultados preliminares

  1. Rey Sanz, Javier
  2. Martínez López, Julián Ángel
  3. Dueñas, José
  4. Campos López, Daniel
  5. Arias, Francisco
  6. Benavente Herrera, José

ISSN: 0213-683X

Año de publicación: 2010

Número: 48

Páginas: 219-222

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geogaceta


The Castulo archaelogical site is one of the most important of the Jen province. Despite its significance, the excavation work has been scarce. Site development for cultural purposes requires, firstly, a detailed, non-destructive analysis, where the most interesting zones are identified. We have used geophysical techniques to attempt this. In a preliminary campaign, 5 electrical tomography profiles -each one with a length of 32 m- have been carried out. In every profiles we have used different electrode configurations (Dipole-Dipole, Wenner-Schlumberger and Wenner), as well as two inter-electrode spacing: 0.5 and 1 m. The aim was to test the geo-electrical response of the possible buried structures, and the best shallow results have been obtained with the Dipole-Dipole. This study has allowed us to identify what it was supposed to be the rests of a wall of an probably ancient church of this Iberian-roman town, which finally has been confirmed by way of an archaeological excavation campaign carried out in the summer of 2009.