Diques de lamproítas a lo largo de la Falla de Socovos (Béticas orientales)
- Pérez-Valera, Luis Alfonso
- Sánchez Gómez, Mario
- Fernández-Soler, José Manuel
- Pérez Valera, Fernando
- Azor Pérez, Antonio
ISSN: 0213-683X
Argitalpen urtea: 2010
Zenbakia: 48
Orrialdeak: 151-154
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta
The Calasparra segment of the Socovos Fault shows a large number of lamproite outcrops, most of them being dikes emplaced along tension gashes and Riedel faults. Subsequently to the emplacement, some of the dikes were affected by faulting, showing striae and kinematic indicators of right-lateral displacement. The ubiquity of the lamproite outcrops, together with the mantle source invoked for these magmas, imply that the Socovos Fault is a major fracture zone, cutting through the crust and connecting in some way the surface to the lithospheric mantle.