Programa emocional para presos por violencia de género (PREMOVIGE)eficacia en variables cognitivas y conductuales

  1. Rodríguez Espartal, Noelia
  2. López Zafra, Esther
Psychosocial Intervention

ISSN: 1132-0559

Year of publication: 2013

Issue Title: La intervención con hombres, condenados por violencia de pareja contra la mujer en España: investigación y avances en intervención

Volume: 22

Issue: 2

Pages: 115-124

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5093/IN2013A14 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Psychosocial Intervention


The main objective of this research was to analyze whether the Program for Prisoners for Emotional Domestic Violence (Rodríguez-Espartal, 2012) is more effective than cognitive-behavioral treatment or no treatment in inmates imprisoned for violence against women. Participants were 36 male imprisoned for crimes related to violence against women in the Provincial Prison of Jaén II, divided into three groups according to treatment: cognitive-behavioral therapy (n = 11), emotional (n = 13), and control (n = 12). The efficacy of treatment was measured by its influence on a series of cognitive behavioral variables: distorted thoughts about women and the use of violence, expectations about change, aggression, anger, impulsivity, and stages of change. There was a greater decrease in distorted thoughts about women and the use of violence and an increase in the expectations about change in inmates who received emotional treatment. No change was found in other variables among inmates receiving treatment but there was an increase in negative results in the control group. Our results highlight the need for batterer intervention programs and to select the treatment that best fits the characteristics of these men

Funding information

El trabajo futuro se plantea abordar el estudio individual de estos hombres y seguir trabajando en la terapia emocional con ellos y sus familias. Consideramos que la terapia individual es muy importante y que debe combinarse con el formato grupal, algo que constituye un aspecto novedoso del Programa Emocional para Presos por violencia de género. Respecto a la terapia individual, Boira et al. (2013) en-cuentran que ésta propicia una mejor alianza terapéutica y un clima de sinceridad más auténtico. Así, este trabajo individual podría favo-recer el trabajo grupal y mejorar aún más los resultados del trata-miento.


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