En el camino del EEESla competencia del inglés en los universitarios de empresa. Un análisis en la Universidad de Jaén

  1. Castilla Polo, Francisca 1
  2. Moreno Aguayo, Alonso 1
  3. Cámara de la Fuente, Macario 1
  4. Chamorro Rufián, Eva 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España

    ROR https://ror.org/0122p5f64

Educade: revista de educación en contabilidad, finanzas y administración de empresas

ISSN: 2173-478X

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 3

Pages: 23-45

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/EDUCADE.2012.I03.03 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Educade: revista de educación en contabilidad, finanzas y administración de empresas

Sustainable development goals


The most significant innovation that comes as a direct result from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is the learning model that is attached to its success or failure in virtue of the acquisition, or lack of it, in the determined competencies. Attached to the specific competencies for each one of the degrees, there are others which have a generic or transversal character. Especially relevant is the idiomatic competency, or second language, for its implications to the student and for the professor or instructor. We have reviewed the knowledge estate and the utilization that both parts contribute to the specific case, this case takes into consideratio n the studies of Business Administration at the University of Jaén. The results from the study have found that in effect there is a significant gap between the theory and the level of performance by both groups. This is a conclusion that has come as a result of surveys and by triangulating the collected information and results of two analyses made in real life scenarios to the students. The results from this study could be of significant help and assistance to the heads of the educational system that are in charge of developing the new programs and activities needed to acquire the abilities that the new Higher Education system has established.

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