Del texto al espejoLa búsqueda y pérdida de la idea de Antropología Social

  1. Anta Félez, José Luis
Nómadas: Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences

ISSN: 1578-6730

Any de publicació: 2011

Número: 31

Pàgines: 51-68

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.5209/REV_NOMA.2011.V31.N3.36808 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

Altres publicacions en: Nómadas: Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Sciences


Since the 80s of the previous century Anthropology had arisen what studying was to some extent a series of texts, the culture, the other, were here a text to unravel, read and interpret. The credential of anthropology was none other than be a theory of reading specialized in a world of diversity, or, perhaps, an expert traveler. The advent and fall of a post-modern look proposed that this way of seeing things recreated a critique of anthropology which had some suicidal and self-destructive. Proposal, as a result, is to locate other metaphors, hence the mirror, a very evocative and intermediate form of finding the point of contact between the interests of anthropology, fieldwork, and his own self-anthropological.

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