The Measurement of Perceived Emotional Intelligence for Spanish Adolescents with Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
- Díaz-Castela, María del Mar
- Hale III, William W.
- Muela Martínez, José Antonio
- Espinosa Fernández, Lourdes
- Klimstra, Theo
- García López, Luis Joaquín
ISSN: 0212-9728, 1695-2294
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 29
Issue: 2
Pages: 509-515
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales de psicología
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a concept that has been discussed for decades in Psychology but has received very little empirical study until recently. And with this growing interest, its accompanying concept, Per-ceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI), has also received more attention. It is due to this growing interest in PEI that this paper explores two important aspects of the PEI: the measurement of PEI and the implications PEI may have for adolescent anxiety disorder symptomology. This study explores a well-known questionnaire of PEI, namely the Trait Meta-Mood Scale ques-tionnaire (TMMS). The Spanish shortened version of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale questionnaire (TMMS-24) and a series of well-known questionnaires of Social Anxiety Disorder symptomology were administrated to 425 Span-ish high-school adolescents. The results of this study corroborated that the TMMS-24 has good psychometric properties in adolescents, and that one of its three scales (Emotional Repair) appears to be involved in adolescent SAD symptomology
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