Parámetros relacionados con la preparación física del futbolista de competición

  1. Calahorro Cañada, Fernando
  2. Torres Luque, Gema
  3. Lara Sánchez, Amador Jesús
  4. Zagalaz Sánchez, María Luisa
Journal of sport and health research

ISSN: 1989-6239

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Ausgabe: 3

Nummer: 2

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Journal of sport and health research


Soccer is one of the most popular sports nowadays. Soccer players need to cluster/develop several caracteristics, such as physical, physiological, psychological , etc.Physical training covers an essential role in this sport, where the competitive season is very long, and which the player demand a good base to have an optimum development throughout the whole season. Thus, the methods and means of training improve everyday, and help provididing information more effective to coaches and trainers. The aim of this paper, is to make an analysis of the football competition, the "repeated sprint ability " (RSA), strength and flexibility, thus providing guidelines and recommendations for the physical preparation of the soccer player. It is concluded that physical demands of soccer competition develop with age and level of subjects, depending on the training method.

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