Turismo, sostenibilidad y cambio climáticoPropuesta de un marco estratégico de acción

  1. Pulido Fernández, Juan Ignacio
  2. López Sánchez, Yaiza
Revista de economía mundial

ISSN: 1576-0162

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 36

Pages: 257-283

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de economía mundial

Sustainable development goals


Tourism generates about 5% of global emissions of greenhouse gases. The global growth forecasts this economic activity through 2030 are staggering, justifying the growing concern over the relationship between tourism and climate change, as well as the establishment of a set of strategies that contribute to mitigating the effects of tourism on climate change and adaptation of tourism at the impact of this phenomenon can generate. Recent reports from international organizations show that small investments (of only 0.2% of global GDP per year until 2050) in actions and initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of tourism would allow steady growth of tourism in the coming decades, even significantly benefit the environment. This article identifies the actions that should integrate a strategic framework for action to address the relationship between tourism and climate change, following a documented analysis of the state of art.

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