¿Se están deslocalizando los servicios extranjeros en España?

  1. Muñoz Guarasa, Marta
Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)

ISSN: 1139-6148

Year of publication: 2006

Issue: 1

Type: Working paper

More publications in: Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)


The goal of this project is to find out if Spain is undergoing a disinvestment process in foreign service companies which might be leading to offshoring. To achieve this ¿ after tackling conceptual and methodological aspects ¿ a company¿s total disinvestment has been estimated. Subsequently, its ratio on gross investment has been evaluated according to the whole sector and to all the activities the company performed in the 1993-2004 period. The result does not show a worrying disinvestment process. Over the last year though, a significant change has been perceived, which might suggest the beginning of a disinvestment process in some activities - as it is happening worldwide.