Estudio cineantropométrico del jugador de tenis adolescente
- Torres Luque, Gema
- Alacid Cárceles, Fernando
- Villaverde Gutiérrez, Carmen
- Ferragut Fiol, Carmen
ISSN: 1696-5043
Year of publication: 2006
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Pages: 27-32
Type: Article
More publications in: Cultura, ciencia y deporte
The aim of this study was to approach to the anthropometric profile of young tennis players. Seventy five tennis players (47 males and 27 females) participated in this study. All the evaluations were made following the recommendations of the Spanish Group of Kineanthropometric, the tennis players were evaluated to the same hour of the day. The results show significantly greater differences in the tennis players in weight, carves, perimeters styloid process, humerus epicondyle and femoral epicondyle, as well as in diameters in contracted arm and perimeter of the thigh and leg. As well, the tennis players show to a greater percentage of corporal fat and a smaller percentage of bony mass, not existing significant differences with respect to the percentage of muscular mass. Somatotype marks to a est-mesomorphy tendency for the males, and a tendency meso- endomórphy for female. The Kineanthropometric study of the adolescent tennis player, will allow an approach of reference to the functional profile of the tennis player and to contribute sport yield to the maximum.
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