Clinoformas progradantes en el Prebético de Jaén. Albiense terminal-Cenomaniense basal, Serrezuela de Pegalajar, Jaén.significación paleogeográfica.
- Ruiz Ortiz, Pedro Alejandro
- Morales González, Juan Antonio
ISSN: 0213-683X
Argitalpen urtea: 2008
Zenbakia: 44
Orrialdeak: 195-198
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta
Progradational clinoforms of platform limestones of the Caliza de Jaén Formation in the Serrezuela de Pegalajar, Prebético de Jaén, sited just to the southeast of Jaén city are here described and a first broadly approach to its palaeogeographic significance is carried out. The mean direction of progradation is toward the W. The Caliza de Jaén Formation represents the installation of open platform facies over hemipelagic and turbidite deposits of the Early Cretaceous. Biostratigraphic data point out that the former progradation pulses occurred in the latest Albian, but it was during the earliest Cenomanian when the most important volume of platform carbonates was recorded. The significance of this new data is considered within the framework of the palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Southern Iberian paleomargin.