Hacia un museo virtual de arte ibérico
- Ogáyar, Carlos J.
- Segura Sánchez, Rafael Jesús
- Feito Higueruela, Francisco
- Robles Ortega, María Dolores
- Jiménez Delgado, Juan J.
- Hernández-Ibáñez, Luis A. (ed. lit.)
- Flores González, Julian C. (ed. lit.)
Publisher: A Coruña : Mundos Digitales, 2007
ISBN: 978-84-690-8550-9
Year of publication: 2007
Pages: 53-60
Type: Book chapter
New information technologies are contributing to new approaches in archaeological investigations. Specifically, the development of computer graphics and the achievements made to hardware and software can be applied to archaeological issues. Archaeological rests can be virtually remade and therefore virtual museums can be developed to show discovered pieces. This work presents the results of an iberian art virtual museum project. Exactly, several archaeological pieces scanning techniques are presented, showing the advantages and drawbacks of each method which was studied.