Creación de un prototipo de museo virtual de arte ibérico basado en VMRL
- Robles Ortega, María Dolores
- Jiménez Delgado, Juan J.
- Segura Sánchez, Rafael Jesús
- Feito Higueruela, Francisco
- Hernández-Ibáñez, Luis A. (ed. lit.)
- Flores González, Julian C. (ed. lit.)
Publisher: A Coruña : Mundos Digitales, 2007
ISBN: 978-84-690-8550-9
Year of publication: 2007
Pages: 61-71
Type: Book chapter
Every day turns out to be more evident that the new technologies contribute to the diffusion of the archaeological researcher's results. This paper presents a prototype of a virtual museum of iberian art that shows a graphical precise representation of the pieces obtained after diverse studies. As additional characteristics, it offers to the user the possibility of moving freely in the scene, and the selection of the fragments that he wants to see with major detail, being able to obtain additional information of the same ones, by means of queries on a database that stores the most importan characteristics of the pieces.