El gasto turístico en ciudades patrimonio de la humanidadfactores determinantes y segmentación de la demanda
- Juan Ignacio Pulido Fernández Zuzendaria
- Isabel Carrillo Hidalgo Zuzendarikidea
Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 14
- Eugeni Aguiló Pérez Presidentea
- Beatriz Rodríguez Díaz Idazkaria
- David Flores Ruiz Kidea
Mota: Tesia
There is abundant scientific literature on tourist expenditure and the factors which determine spending. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to systematize, present and analyze the results obtained from a comprehensive review of existing scientific literature on the variables that affect tourist expenditure for different types of tourism and, especially, for the destinations in World Heritage Cities. In this way, it has been possible to discover which factors influence expenditure in the different types of destination and to confirm them with the factors that influence in the expense so much total as for items (spending in accommodation, expense in transport, expense in supply and expense in visits and leisure) in Úbeda and Baeza, both declared World Heritage Cities in 2003. After this, there has been carried out the segmentation of the tourists who come to these destinations identifying six cluster.