Factores de rendimiento físico en la competición de judo

  1. Juan A. Párraga Montilla Zuzendaria
  2. José Alfonso Morcillo Losa Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 17

  1. Paulino Padial Puche Presidentea
  2. Emilio J. Martínez López Idazkaria
  3. Vânia Loureiro Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 562279 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


The work is situated in the line of profile analysis of the physical requirement in high performance sport, in this case Judo. It intends to identify relevant indicators that allow increasing the sport performance of judoka in competition. Knowledge of physical, metabolic, structural and capacity requirements will provide information to improve the process of sports training and performance in the highest-level competition. Physical capacities assessment has been the subject of several investigations, although it has not been adequately developed since the competition itself, as much of the work has been done under laboratory conditions. This situation produces some limitations to obtain relievable information about specific requirements of a sport modality in real situation of competition. Some of most outstanding studies in this line (Detanico, Dal Pupo & Dos Santos, 2011; Franchini, Del Vechio & Matsushigue, 2011; Almansa, Franchini, Sterkovicz, et al, 2008; Bonitch, 2007; Glaister, 2005; Borkowsky, Faff & Starczewska - Czapowska, 2001) have allowed verify variables before and after a judo contest. For this reason, it is important to investigate in the identification of correct references in a real context, comparing different sportiest of different categories in a contest. Judo is a sport that is based in lots of variables, among which disclose the related with biomechanical, psychological and physiological perspective. Also, the characteristics of each contest do that each situation are different to the others. This way, accumulated fatigue is so important as a consequence of different bouts that a judo player realises. This fatigue seem to have an important effect on technical and tactic parameters that in a contest is translate in a significant decrease of performance, as a consequence of physical capacities deficit in judo players by fatigue. As the aim of this thesis, it is pretended to describe the judo profile in high performance and to assess the physical capacities of judo players, physical parameters with relevancy, technical aspects related with the accurately and psychological variables in a real contest situation. This will allow related analysed variables with the success in the contest and, this way, with performance. It could be concludes that judo players with better levels of physical and physiological capacities that tolerate fatigue in a most efficiently way will be a better performance in a contest.