Jaén y la música en el siglo XIX. La vida musical en una provincia española a través de la prensa
- María Gembero Ustárroz Zuzendaria
Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 2013(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 19
- María José de la Torre Molina Presidentea
- Mercedes Castillo Ferreira Idazkaria
- Dolores Flovia Rodríguez Cordero Kidea
Mota: Tesia
This PhD. dissertation examines the musical lite in the province of Jaén during the 19th century through the newspapers published in the region. as well as through other complementary sources. 'The methodological framework is taken from the cultural and social history of music. and the work has also connections with urban musicology and with international studies that have underlined the importance of provincial and peripheral musical lite. The dissertation analízes the music in the civic. popular and religious celebrations. the music education in public and private institutions. the musical trade. and the musical activities in theatres. cultural associations. "casinos", cafes. and domestic spaces. The work includes the critical edition of eleven musical pieces by composers related to the province of Jaén in the l9lh century. and the edition of almost 2.000 news of musical interest. from fifty four Jaén newspapers.