Análisis observacional de las secuencias ofensivas en el fútbol profesional
- José Alfonso Morcillo Losa Director
- Juan A. Párraga Montilla Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 16 December 2019
- José María León Rubio Chair
- Gema Torres Luque Secretary
- Miguel Angel Morales Cevidanes Committee member
Type: Thesis
The purpose of our research is to analyze the offensive phase of the game in all its sub-phases to determine the types of attack units in performance football. At the same time it is intended to obtain a set of performance indicators that constitute an ideal profile that can be used to predict events during the game and specify variables that depend on the sports success of teams and players. Likewise, these obtained indicators will have a transfer of results to the context of training and competition. Our hypothesis points to the existence of patterns of play at the collective level in the offensive phase of the game in football performance that enable their categorization with a probability of appearance higher than those estimated by chance.