Potenciales energéticos de tipo renovable pendientes de desarrollo
- Eloísa Torres Jiménez Doktormutter
- José Manuel Palomar Carnicero Co-Doktorvater
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 26 von Januar von 2018
- Valeriano Ruiz Hernández Präsident/in
- Rubén Dorado Vicente Sekretär
- Luka Lesnik Vocal
Art: Dissertation
The present doctoral dissertation deals with the development of renewable energy potentials, in particular, with wind energy. The most important achievements are presented as follows: i) the development of an elaborated theory about rotating blades; ii) development of a new centrifugal mechanism for the regulation of rotating blades S-VAWT; iii) manufacturing of wind turbine prototypes via 3D printing techniques; iv) quantification of the effect of ambient conditions on the determination of wind speed via cup anemometers; v) development of a measurement system for kinematic viscosity and moist air density determination.