El autoabastecimiento energético en los países en vías de desarrrollo en el marco del metabolismo urbanocaso. Cuenca, Ecuador

  1. Barragán Escandón, Edgar Antonio
  1. Julio Terrados Cepeda Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 2018(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 21

  1. Francisco Ortega Fernández Presidentea
  2. Gabino Almonacid Puche Idazkaria
  3. Ángel Isidro Mena Nieto Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 582654 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


Cities produce more than three quarters of greenhouse gas emissions. Several proposals have been established to modify the current urban energy model. This thesis analyzes different options, under the framework of urban metabolism, which allows to integrate technical, economic, social and environmental aspects. A methodology is proposed to analyze renewables in urban areas. In addition, a city as case study is modeled in terms of its direct energy consumption and then incorporating renewable energy production scenarios. Key factors are established for the selection of renewables in the city according to its capabilities, as well as energy sustainability indicators. The methodology is applied to an intermediate city, Cuenca, in Ecuador. Through different scenarios development, energy balances valuation and urban indicators of sustainability, it has been concluded that it is possible to reduce energy in-flows to the city applying energy self-production; however, total self-sufficiency is not reached.