Estudio y protección del patrimonio arquitectónico en cantera del centro histórico de la ciudad de Oaxaca de Juárez (México)

  1. Gómez Barranco, Heidy
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Antonio Galera Andreu Director
  2. Herwing Zeth López Calvo Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 17 December 2018

  1. Juan Ramon Rosell Amigo Chair
  2. María del Rosario Anguita Herrador Secretary
  3. Montserrat Bosch González Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 581303 DIALNET


The interest for the protection of the historical patrimony of the state of Oaxaca can be traced back to 1950, when the architect Luis Prieto Souza proposed a law during the National Convention of Engineers, suppo11ed by the engineer Alberto Bustamante and the doctor Juan l. Bustamante, same law in which immediate measures were proposed to remedy damages that had been caused in these buildings, at the same time a zoning law with the declaration of buildings with untouchable status in the downtown area of the city of Oaxaca, and the creation of a committee for federal, state and municipal authorities, as well as citizens, who will be responsible for monitoring the proper functioning of this legal order. The need to generate a document that contributes to the knowledge of the deteriorations and to propose the use of coatings as a strategy to mitigate the effects produced by the environment in the quany.